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novalis honked back 09 Sep 2024 21:13 +0000
in reply to: https://sometimes.when.computer/users/rhiannonstone/statuses/113109632087404466

@rhiannonstone I'm thinking of ones that are specific to certain jobs. Like, I guess the horses/zebras one is maybe more common now, but it was originally common in medicine. I wouldn't call it directly harmful (the harm is is rounding off to "it's never zebras", which definitely happens but it's not the intent of the thing). And in general, we're pretty happy when the show goes on.

novalis honked 09 Sep 2024 18:10 +0000

"think horses not zebras"
"the show must go on"
"it's never a compiler bug"
"f you have time to lean, you have time to clean."

Is there a list of this sort of professional sayings for various professions? I'm not even sure what the name for these is, or whether they form a natural category.

novalis bonked 07 Sep 2024 00:37 +0000
original: jk@mastodon.social

at a protocol level, the internet is only really capable of transmitting two types of data: TCP (True Crime Podcast) and UDP (Unlistenable D&D Podcast)