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Things happen.

novalis honked back 17 Apr 2024 14:32 +0000
in reply to: https://hachyderm.io/users/lahosken/statuses/112287009340341112

@lahosken It used to be a thing.

According to the E.U. regulations, extra-virgin oil must have appreciable levels of pepperiness, bitterness, and fruitiness, and must be free of sixteen official taste flaws, which include “musty,” “fusty,” “cucumber,” and “grubby.”


After the first volcanic slurps, the strippaggi grew softer and more meditative, and took on personal notes, the marquess’s wheezy and almost wistful, Zaramella’s deep and wet, as if he were gargling Epsom salts.

novalis honked 16 Apr 2024 13:36 +0000

Incomprehensible that someone named Carl Barks was a real person and not a communist cartoon dog.

novalis honked 15 Apr 2024 14:39 +0000

I think this might be the first time in the six years that I've had the misfortune to be represented by Yvette Clarke that I've ever agreed with anything she did: she voted against the warrantless FISA reauthorization. I'm going to take some credit for it, since I made a phone call on Friday morning.

novalis honked back 11 Apr 2024 19:06 +0000
in reply to: https://octodon.social/users/phooky/statuses/112253933877230708

@phooky Ms. 5 was totally satisfied. The wait wasn't so bad because we ended up between two sets of similarly-aged kids, so she got some single-serving friends.

I thought it was fine, but not really worth waiting 3 hours for. But school was closed so we didn't have anywhere else to be. And I was happy to make my kid happy.

They told me 2 hours when I got on the line (maybe 100ft past the corner on Amsterdam), and I thought, "naw, it'll only be 45 minutes." I was wrong.