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novalis honked back 26 Jul 2024 23:50 +0000
in reply to: https://infosec.exchange/users/micahflee/statuses/112855129890080692

@micahflee I used to do licensing for FSF, but it's been almost 20 years since I last did so.

No need to have a checkbox; the AGPL is triggered on distribution not use. I know you like the checkbox, but there's absolutely no need for it. Users don't consent to anything.

Make sure that the source code link goes to the version of the source code that matches the binary you're distributing.

I think you'll want the source code link and license with your other licensing materials (that is, it should be possible to find without actually running your software). Make sure that your proprietary license explicitly excludes SingleFile, so that nobody is confused.

novalis honked 24 Jul 2024 22:11 +0000

Python fstrings are actually really pleasant to use. I've been programming in Python for like two decades, so my muscle memory hasn't adapted yet, but every time I remember to use them, I smile at how readable my code is.

novalis honked 23 Jul 2024 20:25 +0000

Just bought a $35 tracker to protect my $45 compost bin, since my last bin just got stolen.