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novalis honked back 14 Oct 2024 13:18 +0000
in reply to: https://hachyderm.io/users/lahosken/statuses/113302327284084840

@lahosken I think you're making a mistake here. Price controls always cause shortages. And local governments are notorious for making terrible choices on housing regulation. I don't even think local governments even have to nefariously intend for multifamily buildings to not pencil out -- they just have no idea what the actual costs of anything are.

Notice that your link mentions ways that rent control could be designed to reduce the impact on building -- but nothing in Prop 33 requires that it be designed this way, and in fact it rarely is.

novalis honked back 09 Oct 2024 18:35 +0000
in reply to: https://mathstodon.xyz/users/mjd/statuses/113278224104707457

@mjd One idea for half-hexagons: they are half-height, and we use the tabs/slots system. If you're going to laser-cut it, you have to do it in 4 layers (for the polyhexes): solid top and bottom, two slotted middles. The monohexes have tabs which are locked into the polyhexes' slots, so that they can slide vertically, but can't escape (once you've glued it up).